How to merge devices

Sometimes, your family's devices get accidentally split up in your Bark parent app / dashboard.

Here's an example where Bark detected the device through the app and through the Bark Home but didn't merge them:

Example on New UI

new UI devices need to merge.png

Example on Classic UI

duplicates ios new ui.png

Fix that with these steps!

Merge devices on New UI

  1. Open up your parent app / dashboard.
  2. Tap the child or home profile.
  3. Tap Devices at the top.
  4. Tap the device that needs to be merged.
  5. Tap Merge with duplicate.
    new UI merge with duplicate.png
  6. On the next page, select the device(s) you'd like to merge.
    ⚠ Getting an error? It likely means the device was already merged. Verify whether that's the case by seeing if you can "split up" the device!
  7. That's it! You should now see the devices got merged.

Merge devices on Classic UI

child profile avatar.png Devices under child profiles

These are the kids you've added to Bark. They have a Screen Time tile under their name in your parent app / dashboard.

Merge devices under a child profile

  1. Open up your parent app / dashboard.
  2. Tap your kid's avatar at the top.
  3. Tap Screen Time.
  4. Tap the Devices tab at the top.
  5. Tap the device that needs to be merged.
  6. Tap the 💬 icon on the top right and select Merge with duplicate.
  7. On the next page, select the device(s) you'd like to merge.
    ⚠ Getting an error? It likely means the device was already merged. Verify whether that's the case by seeing if you can "split up" the device!
  8. That's it! You should now see the devices got merged.

home profile avatar.png Devices under home profiles

Home profiles are found under the Bark Home on your parent app / dashboard with a 👋 or 🏠:


Merge devices under a home profile

  1. Open up your parent app / dashboard.
  2. Tap Bark Home at the top.
  3. Tap the home profile (e.g. Shared, Guest).
  4. Tap the Devices tab at the top.
  5. Tap the device that needs to be merged.
  6. Tap the 💬 icon on the top right and select Merge with duplicate.
  7. On the next page, select the device(s) you'd like to merge.
    ⚠ Getting an error? It likely means the device was already merged. Verify whether that's the case by seeing if you can "split up" the device!
  8. That's it! You should now see the devices got merged.

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