What is the difference between "monitoring" and "screen time & filtering"?


Bark's award-winning monitoring tool scans and analyzes your children's texts, photos, videos, social media, and more. We alert you if we detect self-harm, violence, predators, sexual content, or other concerning issues.

Here’s how to check this feature is working on your kid's devices:

New UI

  1. Open up your parent app / dashboard.
  2. Tap your child's profile.
  3. Tap Devices at the top to review the health of device monitoring (like texts, saved photos, saved videos).
  4. Tap Apps at the top to review the health of app monitoring (like emails and some social media).

Classic UI

  1. Open up your parent app / dashboard.
  2. Tap Monitoring under a child.
  3. Review the health of device monitoring (like texts, saved photos, saved videos) and app monitoring (like emails and some social media).

Screen Time & Filtering

Bark's screen time & filtering features block or allow access to apps and sites.

Here’s how to check this feature is working on your family's devices:

New UI

Review this guide.

Classic UI

  1. Open up your parent app / dashboard.
  2. Tap Screen Time under a child or home profile.
  3. Tap Devices at the top.
  4. Look at the information under each device:
    ❗️  means action is required / something is not working properly. Click on it to fix it.
    ✅  means that part is working.