How to monitor your kid's Chromebook

Set up your kid's Chromebook

Here's what Bark can do to help you protect your kid's Chromebook.

Bark Premium subscribers will set up the Chrome extensions and the Bark for Chromebooks app. Bark Jr subscribers will only set up the Bark for Chromebooks app. Click on each option below for instructions!

puzzle-piece-solid.svg Set up the extensions

Set up the Bark for Chrome extensions
  1. Log into the Chromebook with your child's Google account.
  2. Open the chrome.svg Google Chrome Browser.
  3. On the top right, click ellipsis-vertical-solid.svg  > Settings.
  4. Click You and Google on the left.
  5. Click Sync and Google services.
  6. Click Manage what you sync.
  7. Click Sync everything (easiest) or click Customize sync and select Extensions, History, and Settings.
  8. On your parent phone or computer, connect your child's email account(s) to Bark by tapping on the Monitoring tile and then scrolling down to +Add App. Select Gmail or Outlook and get it connected.
    • You know their email password
      Select "I have my kid's password" and enter it in. Allow all permissions.
    • You don't know their email password
      Select "My kid will connect this account" and enter in the email that is signed into the Chromebook. On your kid's Chromebook, open their email inbox. Find the email invite with a link to connect accounts to Bark. Select Gmail or Outlook and get it connected.
  9. On your kid's Chromebook, navigate to the chrome_web_store_logo.png Chrome Web Store.
  10. Find and add Bark for Chrome and Bark for Chrome Watchdog to your child's Chrome. 
    Don't see the extensions? Select More Extensions on the top right to see more search results.
  11. Click the top right puzzle-piece-solid.svg menu, click on ellipsis-vertical-solid.svg next to each Bark extension, and then Manage Extension.
  12. Toggle on the Allow in Incognito option for each one.
    Don't see an Incognito Mode option? It likely means your child's browser has Incognito Mode disabled (learn more).
  13. Browse 5 - 10 sites on your child's Chrome browser.
  14. Consider disabling Guest Mode.
  15. Then, set up the Bark for Chromebooks app by following the steps below.

google-play.svg Set up the app

Set up the Bark for Chromebooks App 
  1. Verify your child’s Chromebook supports our app. If it is supported, keep going!
  2. Click on the time on the bottom right.
  3. Select the ⚙ gear icon to access the device Settings.
  4. Search "play store" at the top, or scroll down until you find Google Play Store.
    Don't see Google Play Store? Then the Chromebook doesn't support the Bark for Chromebooks app.
  5. Turn on the Google Play Store.
    Is the "Turn On" option greyed out? You may be using a managed school or work Google account. Signing into the Chromebook with a personal Google account will allow you to turn it on.
  6. Click the O symbol on the bottom left.
  7. Open the Play Store app.
    Don't see the app? You may have to click on the ^ arrow to see all installed apps.
  8. Search Pasted_Image_5_22_19__1_14_PM.png Bark for Chromebooks, install it, and open it.
  9. Enter your Bark login credentials and click Get Started.
  10. Select the child's name that uses this Chromebook.
  11. Click Allow on the permission prompts.
  12. Click OK to enable the VPN.
  13. Click Open Settings to enable Bark's Accessibility setting.
  14. Click Open Settings when asked about Background Location.
  15. Click Permissions.
  16. Click Location.
  17. Select Allow all the time.
  18. Turn off Secure DNS in settings. 
  19. You can now X out of the app and return the laptop to your child.
    (Even if the Bark for Chromebooks application is X-ed out or not on the bottom taskbar, rest assured that it is doing its job.)

How do I know it's working?

New UI

  1. Open up your parent app / dashboard.
  2. Tap your child's profile.
  3. If you set up the Chrome extension, you can verify its status by tapping on Apps at the top and looking for the Chrome icon:
    new UI Chrome monitoring.png
  4. If you also set up the Bark for Chromebooks app, you can verify its status by tapping on Devices at the top and looking for the Chromebook.

Classic UI

  1. Open up your parent app / dashboard.
  2. Tap Monitoring under your kid.
  3. Depending on what you set up, you should see a Chrome icon (representing the extension) and/or a Chromebook icon (representing the app):

Best Practices

  • Repeat these steps for any other children by clicking the Time on the bottom right > Log out. Then, sign in with the other child's user profile and repeat the steps above.
  • Talk to your child about Bark and why the Bark for Chromebooks app and Bark extensions need to remain installed. Don't worry, if either one is deleted or stops working, we will alert you.
  • Connect the Google accounts that your child uses to Bark.
  • Restrict the Google accounts your child uses to sign into their Chromebook.

Need more help?

Check out our Chrome troubleshooting guide