Super Admin is leaving:
If you are a Bark Super Admin who is not going to manage the Bark for Schools account, you'll likely want to take the following considerations when handing off the account to your successor.
- Keep your super admin permissions in Google Admin Console or Microsoft Admin Console (whichever applicable) until you have a Bark Super Admin added to Bark as your replacement. Prematurely removing your super admin permissions in Google or Microsoft could result in a permissions error with the Bark for Schools app that prevents us from monitoring your students or from inviting new super admins until the permissions are resolved.
- Ensure your successor has super admin permissions in the Google Admin Console or Microsoft Admin Console (whichever applicable).
- Invite your successor to be a Super Admin on the Bark for Schools account.
- Ask them to log into Bark for Schools.
- Finally, the new Bark Super Admin can remove the old Bark Super Admin's access by following these instructions: Removing Super Admins
💡 Tip: We have seen many schools or districts increase their success with these handoffs by making the Bark Super Admin account something like so that it's not tied to a particular person's account.
Super Admin has already left:
For security reasons, we cannot make anybody else a Super Admin of the account without the approval from the existing Super Admin. To replace the Super Admin that has already left your school/district, please follow these instructions:
- Do you still have access to their Google Workspace account? If you are a Google Workspace Super Admin, you should be able to temporarily reinstate their account in the Google Admin Console.
- Log into the Bark for Schools dashboard with their email address and follow these steps to invite yourself as a Reviewer with Super Admin access and log out of the account.
- Finally, log into the Bark for Schools dashboard from your new account and remove the previous Super Admin from the account.