The Bark Phone tile disappeared from the dashboard

Whenever you set up a Bark Phone, on the classic UI, you'll see a Bark Phone tile under your kid on your parent app / dashboard:

bark phone tile.png

The Bark Phone tile will disappear from the classic UI whenever:

  • The Bark Phone service is canceled or the Bark Phone is returned
  • The Bark Phone service is suspended from too many failed payment attempts
    • To fix this, go to your account settings.
    • Tap Update billing info (it's okay if you're entering in the same payment information as before).
    • Once the account is in good standing, your Bark Phone service will resume!
    • Then, check if the Bark Phone tile has returned. If it has not, tap on the Guard Dog app on the Bark Phone and see if there's a setup QR code you need to scan to re-pair the device to your account (it may take a few minutes or a device restart for it to appear).