We'll get to the bottom of this error together! Did you get this error on your parent dashboard, or did you get this error on the Google Play Store?
Parent App / Dashboard
If you see a message that something went wrong in your Bark parent dashboard, try these steps:
- Tap Try again.
- If that doesn't work, tap home.
- If the error happens again, try it on a new device. For example, if you were originally on iPhone, see if it happens on a computer.
- If the error happens again on all devices, please contact us with the specific actions performed leading up to the error.
Google Play Store
If you got this error on the Google Play Store of your kid's Android or Bark Phone, try this:
- Open the Settings app on your kid's device and connect to Wi-Fi.
- Let's check if you've blocked the App Store category, Collaboration category, or the Google Workspace app:
- Open up your parent app / dashboard.
- Tap Screen Time under your child.
- Tap Apps & websites.
- Scroll down to find App Store, Collaboration, and Google Workspace. Unblock them if needed.
Need help? Here's how to allow an app or site.
- Restart the device.
- Try to sign into Google again.
- (Phones only) If that doesn't work, let's see if your kid's phone can connect to Google over Mobile Data.
- Open the Settings app on your kid's phone and disconnect from Wi-Fi.
- Verify Mobile Data is enabled / connected in their Settings app.
- Try to sign into Google again.
- If your kid's phone can sign into Google over Mobile Data but not Wi-Fi, that means you have some third party web filter on your home Wi-Fi that is blocking it.
- Log into your router settings on a parent computer.
- The settings you're looking for are usually named either web filtering, parental controls, URL whitelisting, or access control settings (names vary by router).
- Allow google.com in your third party filter.
Other apps
If you see a message that something went wrong in a different app on your kid's device, it is possible you accidentally blocked that app or site, explaining the error. Here's how to check: