How to find alerts using filters

You can use the sorting filters at the top of your Alerts page to sort alerts by different categories — including by child, platform, reviewed, unreviewed, and more.

  1. Open up your parent app / dashboard.
  2. Tap 🔔 Alerts.
  3. At the top are your alert sorting filters where you can sort by child, device, or even the date!
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Needs review vs. reviewed 

The two most useful filters for alerts are Needs Review and Reviewed — in other words, whether you’ve read them or not.

When someone views a specific alert, it is marked as "read" and will show up under the Read/Reviewed view.

Pro Tip: If a co-parent is also receiving alerts, they may review an issue before you do. Double-check the Reviewed issues from time to time to make sure you don't miss any alerts.

By concern / type

Sort alerts by type of issue — violence, cyberbullying, sexual content, etc.

By source or app / account / device

Sort by issues found on different platforms — Android, X/Twitter, etc.

By severity / severe

Sort by how dangerous alerts are — severe and not severe.


Think of this like a "bookmark" function. If you clicked bookmark-solid.svg Save for later on an alert, this is where you'll find it.