Manage Texting for the Bark Phone

Block or Allow Texting

To manage your child's current texting settings from your dashboard: 

  • On the new UI, tap your child's name and then the bark_phone.svg phone icon under your child's active routine.
    new UI - enable contact approval.png
  • On the classic UI, tap the Bark Phone tile and then Text.bark_phone_text_rules.png

A blocked text app results in...

  • The orange_messages_app.png Messages app becoming greyed out and inaccessible.
  • No notifications for new text messages.

Set Time Limits on Texting

There are two ways to accomplish this:

Mute Texts

Your child has the option to mute individual or group chat notifications on their Bark Phone, giving them more control over their texting experience. This makes it easier to stay focused and reduce distractions (for example, in situations where large group texts start popping off).

  1. On the Bark Phone, open the text conversation that you'd like to mute.
  2. Tap the three dots on the top.
  3. Tap Mute.

Block unknown contacts and prevent spam

Learn more:

Delete Texts

By default, texts they send or receive cannot be deleted on the Messages app, though you can change that setting at any time.

Things to note:

  • This setting is not impacted by the schedules you set.
  • If they download a third-party texting app, they may be able to delete texts outside of your intended rules — consider enabling App Approval to prevent that from happening! bark_phone_texting_rules.png

Need help?

Check out our guide:

Troubleshooting the Texting App