Turn off Secure DNS on Windows and Mac

If sites and apps are not being blocked on your child's computer browser, Secure DNS could be the reason!

chrome2.svg Chrome

Turn off Secure DNS on Chrome

  1. On your child's Windows PC or Macbook, open Chrome.
  2. Then, click the three-dot menu on the top right > Settings.
  3. Click Privacy and Security on the left.
  4. Click Security.
  5. Under Advanced, find and turn off Encrypt the names of sites you want to visit

Optional but recommended

Lock down this setting by following this guide for Windows and Mac.

edge.svg Edge

Turn off Secure DNS on Edge

  1. On your child's Windows PC or Macbook, open Edge.
  2. Then, click the three-dot menu on the top right > Settings.
  3. In the Settings search bar, search for Secure DNS.
  4. Find and turn off Secure DNS.

Optional but recommended

Lock down this setting by following this guide for Windows and Mac.

firefox.svg Firefox

Turn off DNS over HTTPS on Firefox

  1. On your child's computer or laptop, open Firefox.
  2. Click three-line menu on the top right > Settings.
  3. Search "dns" in the Settings search bar.
  4. Then, you'll see Network Settings as a result. Click on Settings next to Network Settings.
  5. Scroll down and disable DNS over HTTPS. Make sure to click OK/Save. When it's turned off, it looks like this:

brave_browser.webp Brave

Turn off Secure DNS on Brave

  1. On your child's Windows PC or Macbook, open Brave.
  2. Then, click the three-line menu on the top right > Settings.
  3. On the left, click on Privacy & security.
  4. Then, click on Security.
  5. Under Advanced, find and turn off Secure DNS.


Optional but recommended

Lock down this setting by following this guide for Windows and Mac.