Get iTunes updated
Below are instructions on how to update iTunes on your Windows or Mac computer.
Windows PC
- Open iTunes.
- From the menu bar at the top of the iTunes window, choose Help > Check for Updates.
- Follow the prompts to install the latest version.
Check for Updates isn't shown in the Help menu? You have downloaded iTunes from the Microsoft Store. Uninstall that incorrect version of iTunes before installing the correct one.
If you update your Mac to macOS 10.15+, iTunes will no longer be available. To check for updates to the things needed for your child's iOS device to work with the computer, check for updates to macOS.
Why do I need to update iTunes?
The Bark Desktop App needs to be able to communicate with your child's iOS device for the monitoring of texts, photos, and more. Sometimes, we need the latest version of iTunes installed to help the Bark Desktop App better monitor your child's iOS device.