Check whether monitoring is working on your kid's Amazon Fire
- Open up your parent app / dashboard.
- Tap your kid's avatar.
- Tap Devices.
- Review the device status:
❗ Not reporting to Bark
✅ Reporting to Bark
- Open up your parent app / dashboard.
- Tap your kid's avatar at the top.
- Tap Monitoring.
- Review the device status:
❗ Not reporting to Bark
✅ Reporting to Bark
Fix Amazon Fire monitoring
Why did monitoring stop working?
There are a few reasons your kid's device is not being monitored:
The device is offline
If it's turned off or disconnected from the internet for more than 3 days, Bark will generate an alert about the lack of data during that time. Once the device is powered on and reconnects to the internet, monitoring will automatically resume! -
App is outdated
Get it updated. -
Accessibility is disabled
Enable Bark in your kid's Accessibility settings.
Can't install the Bark Kids app
There's a few reasons that the Bark Kids app isn't being installed:
Not connected to the internet
Make sure the tablet is connected to a Wi-Fi network. -
Free Time parental controls are blocking the internet or app installs
If you've set up Amazon FreeTime parental controls to block app downloads or prevent Wi-Fi access, this may be causing challenges with downloading the Bark app. Check your FreeTime settings and make adjustments to allow Bark. -
Tablet is too old
If the Amazon App Store says your kid's tablet is not compatible with Bark Kids, it means it's too old to support the app. Consider adding the Bark Home device to your home Wi-Fi, so that you can at least block apps and sites on the tablet!
What does Bark monitor on Amazon Fire?
On Amazon Fire, Bark can monitor Silk browsing, photos, videos, and many installed apps, including Messenger Kids and Instagram chats.
Here's a detailed list of everything Bark can monitor:
Does Bark block apps and sites on Amazon Fire?
Yes, as long as you have set up a Bark Home device on your home Wi-Fi (or set up a router with Bark built-in). Here's how to get that feature set up on your kid's Amazon Fire:
- If you haven't already, set up Bark's in-home filtering on your home network.
- Then, adjust these network settings on your kid's Amazon Fire tablet.
- Next, identify and rename your kid's tablet in your Bark parent app / dashboard.
- Finally, schedule app and site blocking on in your Bark parent app / dashboard.
Apps and sites aren't being blocked
If your child's Amazon Fire isn't blocking the internet access for websites and apps, check the following:
- If you haven't already, set up Bark's in-home filtering on your home network.
- Then, double check these network settings on your kid's Amazon Fire tablet.
- Next, turn off Secure DNS in their Silk browser settings.
- Restart the tablet. Apps and sites should be blocked properly now!
Unexpected app & site blocking
If Bark is blocking every single internet-based app or site on your child's device, then click on Bark is blocking everything.
If Bark is blocking particular apps or sites (like just Instagram), let's figure it out with this guide: