Manage the Camera of the Bark Phone

Block or Allow the Camera

To manage your child's camera settings from your dashboard:

  • On the new UI, tap your child's name and then the bark_phone.svg phone icon under your child's active routine.

  • On the classic UI, tap the Bark Phone tile and then the Camera.

A blocked camera app means that:

  • The samsung camera app.png Camera app will disappear from the phone.
  • The Gallery app will get grayed out.
  • Screenshots are disabled. 
  • Screen recording is disabled.
  • Camera features in all apps will not work.
  • Apps that rely on the camera (like Snapchat) will not work.

If you've set up additional routines, this rule may change according to the schedule you've created for the day or week. 

Need additional help?

Check out this guide:

Troubleshooting the Camera App