Disable Guest Mode, InPrivate Mode, & Secure DNS on Edge (Mac)

These instructions will show you how to disable Guest Mode, InPrivate Mode and Secure DNS on Edge for Mac.

Disable Guest Mode, InPrivate, and Secure DNS

Follow these steps to ensure Bark remains in place while your child is browsing.

  1. On your kid's Edge browser, turn off Secure DNS.
  2. Then, open Finder.png Finder.
  3. Double-click on Applications.
  4. Double-click on Utilities.
  5. Double-click on terminal_app_icon.png Terminal.
  6. Copy and paste this into Terminal and press Enter:
    defaults write com.microsoft.Edge BrowserGuestModeEnabled -bool false
  7. Copy and paste the following command into Terminal and press Enter:
    defaults write com.microsoft.Edge BrowserAddProfileEnabled -bool false
  8. Copy and paste the following command into Terminal and press Enter:
    defaults write com.microsoft.Edge InPrivateModeAvailability -integer 1
  9. Copy and paste the following command into Terminal and press Enter:
    defaults write com.microsoft.Edge IPFSEnabled -integer 0
  10. Restart your computer.
  11. Next time you open Edge, you will notice that Guest Mode, InPrivate Mode, and the ability for your child to add additional email accounts/profiles is disabled. Success! 🎉

Return Edge to Default Settings

Follow these steps if your child has aged out of Bark and you no longer need their browser protected.

  1. Open Finder.png Finder.
  2. Double-click on Applications.
  3. Double-click on Utilities.
  4. Double-click on terminal_app_icon.png Terminal.
  5. Copy and paste this into Terminal and press Enter:
    defaults write com.microsoft.Edge BrowserGuestModeEnabled -bool true
  6. Copy and paste the following command into Terminal and press Enter:
    defaults write com.microsoft.Edge BrowserAddProfileEnabled -bool true
  7. Copy and paste the following command into Terminal and press Enter:
    defaults write com.microsoft.Edge InPrivateModeAvailability -integer 0
  8. Copy and paste the following command into Terminal and press Enter:
    defaults write com.microsoft.Edge IPFSEnabled -integer 1
  9. Restart your computer.