Bark monitors Snapchat text chats on connected Android devices (including Bark Phone). In October 2024, Snapchat made updates that affected Bark’s ability to identify the sender, receiver, or author in Snapchat conversations.
While this change limits how we display contact names, Bark still scans Snapchat messages for potential dangers and alerts you when necessary. In these cases, you'll see an "Unknown" placeholder instead of a contact name. Here’s an example:
We believe Snapchat can do more to protect kids on their platform, but so far, they haven’t partnered with us. If you'd like to share your feedback with Snapchat, here's how:
- Message them on X
Send a message like: "Hey @snapchatsupport, please open your DM API to the good guys like @barktechco so they can keep my children safer online!" - Message their support team directly
In the Snapchat app, go to your profile (top left), then tap Settings ⚙️ > scroll down to “I have a suggestion" > select Friends. You can paste this message: “Please open your direct message API to @barktechnologies to help keep kids safe online!” Choose Snaps as the topic, then click Submit.