Check the current battery level of your kid's Bark Phone or Watch

This feature helps ensure your kids have enough battery for their activities and can't use the classic “my phone died" excuse — the 21st century version of “a dog ate my homework.” We hope this helps!

Here's how to check their battery level:

New UI

  1. Open up your parent app / dashboard.
  2. Tap your child's profile.
  3. Tap Devices at the top.
  4. Find the Bark Phone or Bark Watch:
    new UI BP battery.png

Classic UI

  1. Open up your parent app / dashboard.
  2. Look at the Bark Phone tile:

Bark Phone high and low battery level side by side on parent dashboard.png

Note: It might take a few seconds for the battery indicators to appear after the page loads, but they will be there shortly.