Filter+: Exporting Web Filter Reports

We are excited to announce that our Bark for Schools+ and Filter + customers now have the ability to export web browsing reports!


  1. Log into the Bark for Schools dashboard and navigate to Reports under Web Filtering from the drop-down menu on the top right of your dashboard. 


  2. Choose the correct web filter

  3. Chrome:

    Choose the OU the student is in

    Choose the student's name

  4. Choose Export on the top right of the Logs for the report. 

    Screenshot 2023-11-24 at 3.18.05 PM.png

    All Done! 🎉

The data will open in a new browser tab as a plain text file. To save as a .CSV file, right click on the window with the data in it, choose Save As, and add .csv to the end of the file name.