Edge Chromium Web Filtering on Microsoft 365

Microsoft Edge is based on Chromium, and as such it supports Chrome extensions. You can deploy our Chrome web filter to Microsoft Edge by following either method below: 

Please Note: You may have to make slight adjustments to the instructions to successfully deploy the Chrome extension to Edge within your environment

Get Started

  1. Log in to your dashboard from a Bark Super Admin account.

  2. Click the top right drop-down menu and select Settings under the Web Filtering section.

  3. Under the Chrome category, select Create new Chrome filter.

    This will open a web page that provides you with the instructions to set up your filter, allows you to set up exceptions to category rules, and provides you with the ability to allow/block categories of websites. 

How to Setup the Edge Chromium Extension within 365

Method A: User / Group Policy

  1. Make sure that you've deployed Microsoft Edge 77 or later to your students, if you haven't already.

  2. Follow these instructions to set up extensions on Edge: How to Deploy Extensions to Edge.

  3. When prompted, enter the extension ID and extension URL from the Bark for Schools web filter settings page. 
Please Note: We also recommend disabling Incognito / InPrivate browsing on their web browsers and disabling "Guest Mode" on their web browsers within the O365 Admin Console.

​Method B: Intune MDM

  1. In a new tab, log in to the 365 Device Management Portal.

    1. Select Devices – Windows.

  2. On the Configuration Profiles tab click Create profile.

    • Give the configuration profile a Name.
    • Enter a Description (optional).
    • Choose Windows 10/11 as Platform.
    • Choose Administrative Templates as Profile type.
    • Click Create.


  3. Open the settings tab.
Please Note: We also recommend disabling Incognito/InPrivate browsing on their web browsers and disabling "Guest Mode" on their web browsers within the O365 Admin Console


The Exceptions section allows for the input of any domain (ie. site) you would like to blacklist or whitelist. These sites will be on a report within the dashboard for ease of visibility. You can update these settings at any time.

Bark also supports the use of wildcards at the front (*.youtube.com), middle (sites.google.com/*game*), or end (*.youtube.com/playlist=1234*) of a domain to fit your use-case.


How to add an exception to your list

  1. Enter the name of the domain/site into the exception box

  2. Toggle the drop down to allowed or blocked depending on your needs

  3. Click Add
Please Note: the exceptions field does not support IP addresses. You'll need to enter the actual domain into the exception box instead.


The Categories section will allow the whitelisting / blacklisting of whole categories. This is pulled from our database that houses countless sites that are associated to these categories and is updated regularly. 

Bark groups websites into the categories shown below. Toggle each category to the appropriate setting for your use-case. 

How do I know it's working?

When the filter starts processing web browsing activity on Edge for your students, it will display the activity on the web filter reports on the super admin's Bark dashboard, as seen below and described in this article.

Students may also notice there is a Bark dog on the top right of their browser, and when they click into their browser settings, it will say it is "Managed by your organization."

How to Remove the Edge Chromium Extension within 365

Click here for Microsoft's guide on removing extensions: Use group policies to manage Edge extensions

Removing the Filter Policy/Rules (optional)

If applicable, you can remove the filtering rules/policies on your dashboard by following the instructions below. However, if you'd like to keep your rules saved for whenever you re-install the web filter in the future, then skip this section.

  1. Click on the top right menuWeb Filters > See All Filters.
    Please Note:: Only users with Bark Super Admin status can access the Web Filter policies page.
  2. On this screen, you'll see all filters that had been previously set up. Within each window, you'll see an option to Delete this filter. This will delete that particular ruleset from the account.
