Edge Chromium Monitoring on Microsoft 365

We've developed the Bark for Microsoft Edge extension for monitoring child browsing activity within Edge Chromium. This extension is not a filter — it does not prohibit traffic, but it will alert you to worrisome web browsing. 

What I can expect to be monitored:

Web page titles and searches.

Get Started

You can deploy our web monitoring extension to Microsoft Edge by following either method below:

Note: You may have to make slight adjustments to the instructions to successfully deploy the extension to Edge within your environment.

Method A: User / Group Policy

  1. Log in to your Microsoft Admin Console.
  2. Finalize setup of the Chrome extension in O365.
We also recommend disabling Incognito / InPrivate browsing on their web browsers and disabling "Guest Mode" on their web browsers within the O365 Admin Console.

Method B: Intune MDM

  1. In a new tab, log in to the O365 Device Management Portal.

  2. Select Devices – Windows.

  3. On the Configuration Profiles tab click Create profile.
    • Give the configuration profile a Name.
    • Enter a Description (optional).
    • Choose Windows 10 as Platform.
    • Choose Administrative Templates as Profile type.
    • Click Create.

  4. Open the settings tab.
    • Select Edge version 77 and later from the dropdown menu.
    • Search for Extensions (this gives an overview of all extension-related settings).
    • Click on Control which extensions are installed silently.
    • Select Enabled.
    • Add the Bark extension ID. You can find this on the Microsoft Add-Ons page for the extension --it's the last part of the URL: pjbpapmfoaplcoaohhdfgdkffdfebmkd
    • Once you've entered in the extension ID, click OK.
    • Assign the profile to a security group.
      We also recommend disabling Incognito / InPrivate browsing on their web browsers and disabling "Guest Mode" on their web browsers within the O365 Admin Console.

How do I know it's working?

Once deployed, students will notice there is a Bark dog on the top right of their browser, and when they click into their browser settings, it will say it is "Managed by your organization."