This article is for users who've set up a Bark Home (or a router with Bark built-in) and want to protect their kid's Amazon Fire tablet(s).
Set up app & site blocking on your kid's Amazon Fire Tablet
- On your kid's Amazon Fire tablet, open the
Internet app.
- Type in in the address bar at the top.
- Tap and hold your finger over the IP address (e.g. Tap Copy at the top of the screen.
- Now, slide your finger down from the top of the screen to tap on ⚙️ Settings.
- Tap Wireless & Bluetooth (or "Internet").
- Tap Wi-Fi (or "Wi-Fi Preferences").
Tap and hold your finger over your Wi-Fi network. Tap Modify Network (on newer tablets, you instead have to tap the ⚙ next to your Wi-Fi).
- Select Advanced Options (on newer tablets, you instead have to tap the pencil icon on the top right).
- Then, tap on IP settings and select Static.
- Now, tap and hold your finger on the IP address field.
- You will see Paste come up as a button.
- Tap Paste to input the IP address we copied earlier. Once you do, it'll fill out the other fields automatically.
- Tap Save.
- The tablet will automatically reconnect to your Wi-Fi network.
- Your Wi-Fi network should display Connected after a few moments.
⚠ Seeing "Internet service not working" instead?
- Double-check the IP address was entered correctly.
- If you're still having no luck, consult your router's user manual for the IP addresses it accepts as static IPs.
- Still seeing "Internet service not working"? Please reach out to us, and we'll be happy to help!
- Next, turn off Secure DNS in your kid's Silk browser app.
- Lastly, find the Amazon Fire tablet in your parent app / dashboard, assign it to a profile, and block apps and sites!