These steps must be followed by the Domain Super Admin that has both Google Workspace Super Admin permissions and Bark Super Admin permissions, or we will not have proper access to continue monitoring student accounts.
If you are unsure who the Domain Super Admin is for your account, please reach out to our support team for further assistance.
If you are unsure who the Domain Super Admin is for your account, please reach out to our support team for further assistance.
- Sign in to your Google Admin Console.
- Select Apps > Google Workspace Marketplace Apps > App List.
- Under Domain Installed Apps, click on the Bark.
- Under User Access, click on View Organizational Units and Groups.
- Make sure that the Bark app is set as ON FOR EVERYONE and click Save.
- Go back to the previous Bark app page.
- Verify that under Data Access it says Status: Granted.
- (IMPORTANT) Please log into your Bark for Schools dashboard to confirm that everything loads without issue. If for some reason you see an error, please revisit the previous steps — the most common reason for an error is that we don't have proper access.
All Done! 🎉️