Manage the Contacts on their Bark Watch

Set Up Contact Approval

To manage what contacts your child is allowed to contact with their Bark Watch:

From your dashboard, tap on the Bark Watch tile and then on Contacts.

Types of contacts

✅ Approved Contacts — Allows calls and texts to and from this number (unless blocked by your routines).

 asterisk-solid.svg  Emergency Contacts — Always allows calls and texts to and from this number (unless the text app is blocked). Can also be quickly contacted with the SOS side button.

🚫 Unapproved Contacts — Blocks calls and texts to and from this number.

Schedule what types of contacts can call with routines

  1. On your Bark parent app / dashboard, tap the Screen Time tile.
  2. Tap Rules at the top.
  3. Tap Schedule.
  4. Tap the day of the routine you'd like to edit.
  5. Tap Rules under that routine.
  6. Tap Device Settings.
  7. Scroll down to "Who can your kid contact when using this routine?" to make your changes.
    • Tap Emergency Contacts Only if you only want your kid to be able to text and call emergency contacts during this current routine.
    • Tap All approved contacts if you want your kid to be able to text and call any approved contacts during this current routine.
  8. Repeat for any other routines you've scheduled.

When an unapproved contact reaches out:

  • Text messages and calls from them won't show up for your child.
  • If an unapproved contact is part of a group chat, the entire conversation is hidden from your child.
  • Their calls to your child won't go through.
  • They won't be able to leave a voicemail.

How to open contacts on the Bark Watch

Quickest method:

  • Short-press the bottom side button twice (2x).

Other method:

  1. Short-press the top side button to open the home screen.
  2. Swipe from left to right to open the apps list.
  3. Tap Bark Watch - contacts icon.png Contacts.
  4. 911, 988, and any additional contacts you've added on the dashboard (that are allowed to be contacted during this routine) will be visible. Your child can tap on the contact and then tap on the call or text option.

How to quickly call an emergency contact on the Bark Watch

  1. Short-press the top side button to wake up the watch, if applicable.
  2. Long-press the bottom side button to start calling emergency contacts directly. If the first call is not answered within 20 seconds, it will call the next emergency contact on the list.

How to contact 911 with the emergency button on the Bark Watch

  1. Short-press the top side button to wake up the watch, if applicable.
  2. Now, short-press the top side button, then short-press the bottom side button twice.
  3. This will bring up the 911 SOS call screen.
  4. Swipe right ➡ to call 911.
    SOS Call.png