Copy screen time rules from one kid to another

Here’s how to copy a routine's app and site blocking rules from one profile to another.

New UI

  1. Open up your parent app / dashboard.
  2. Tap on your child's profile (the one you want to copy rules to).
  3. Tap the ✏ pencil next to the routine you'd like to edit (e.g. Bedtime, School).
  4. Side scroll the quick actions at the top and tap Import Rules (or scroll down to "Import rules from another profile").
    new UI - import rules from another profile aka copy.png
  5. Choose which profile you want to copy rules from.
  6. Choose which routines you'd like to copy over.
  7. That's it! You've saved some time copying over rules from one kid to another.

Classic UI

  1. Open up your parent app / dashboard.
  2. Tap on your child's avatar at the top (the one you want to copy rules to).
  3. Tap Screen Time.
  4. Scroll down and tap Review other rulesets.
  5. Tap on the ruleset you want to edit.
  6. Tap on Copy rules.
  7. Choose which profile you want to copy rules from.
  8. Choose which routines you'd like to copy over.
  9. That's it! You've saved some time copying over rules from one kid to another.